Monday, June 6, 2016

Anxious and Antsy

Yesterday's Food: Breakfast: Green Smoothie, 2 egg whites, bowl of melon. Lunch: Ceviche, Lettuce with Ceaser Dressing, grilled zucchini. Dinner: Sofritas bowl containing Lettuce, Sofritas (Tofu), Pico, Corn Salsa, Guac, and cheese. Snacks: Coffee and rice milk and a diet cherry lime aid.

I was within the calories, but it was an excessive day.

Weight: Not sure. Probably the same.

With the anniversary of my Dad's death looming I feel it every single day. I play it back in my head as to what I was doing at this time last year. Like last year at this time I was moving classrooms, and I was getting prepared for summer school. I feel like a ticking time bomb. 

The diet stuff helps. I can kill some time looking up recipes and so forth. I am down with my breakfast routine. I like the egg whites and green smoothie. I know I can sustain that at home, but we have a few things planned this summer that may eat into that, so I need road options for later. I keep telling myself that vacations are not cheats because I am trying to make a lifestyle change. 

Yesterday, we met up with a friend for coffee. Honestly, I don't consider her a friend. I have pushed away a lot of people lately, and I am okay with that. We met with her, and then decided to bring my sister-in-law and nephew lunch. So we went to Barnes and Noble where I picked up AP lit study guides, so I can frame my plans around it for next year, and then brought them sea island which I meticulously was careful to order low calorie items from. It was hard. I wanted fried fish with vinegar so bad. But I did well. 

While we were there I thought about the month of July. July is a big blank slate of nothing. No plans, no ideas, nothing. Every year I get 100 pts from Disney Vacation Club to stay in hotels Disney owns. I have until October to use them. I mentioned this to my kids' stepmom. I was thinking she could go with me (split costs). But because they are moving they can't. I looked over at Sis-in-law, and it occurred to me. My nephew has never done anything like that.

So my dad struggled with money when we were younger, so when we did go to Disneyland it was a day trip, frugal, but amazing. Nothing like that exists for my nephew. My sons have been a twice in the last year, plus we spoil them to death. My nephew is 16. His childhood is almost over. I mentioned if he would be interested, and he looked like the 11 year old I met 5 years ago. He smiled, and then tried to play it off. So I made up my mind to take him...and the boys. DH has to work, and he is not happy. He does think I am amazing for inviting him because we both agree nephew just doesn't get anything. 

Other things I have "planned." 
Taking DS7 to Red Sox game in Dallas
Picking up DS12 from Yosemite and taking him gold panning and MAYBE white water rafting
Go through teaching crates and downsize and organize
Dad's scrapbooks, Organize and place in new Albums
My own photos, organize, Albums
Read up and organize for AP and Regular Classes
Grad School?

I need to be busy. This relaxing crap is highly overrated. I can do a week or two. But a whole summer, nah... that is not my style. 

Daily Goals: Blog, shower, one beauty thing a day (like paint my nails or do a face mask), read 50 pages of something, track food, write down 1 quote a day that I find inspiring or beautiful. 

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